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Sonnabend, 18. Januar 2025
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2015 | Juni |
»... sauber durchinszeniert ...«, GT zur Premiere | »Grandios«, LitlogGASTSPIEL in der Notaufnahme des ThOP:Love Stories During the Armageddon of a Citrus Fruitby Daniel Hamilton Join us, if you will, as we accompany two friends on their everyday adventures. They live in an orange as large as the world and their life is one of joy and happiness, fun and games, love and bliss. One night, through a simple twist of fate, fear is seeded in one of the friends. They set out on a quest to find the source of that fear and find that fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real. Szenenfotos von Ulf Janitschke (klick ...) This year's English Drama Workshop production will be in the Notaufnahme of the ThOP (Theater im OP). Limited seating available, booking via this page, via phone 0551-39-7077, or daily from 12:00 – 14:00 at the Z-Mensa. VVK Mo - Fr zwischen 12.00 und 14.00 Uhr im Foyer der Zentralmensa an unserem ThOP-Karten-Stand. Der Spielort für diese Produktion ist die Notaufnahme des ThOP (Zugang über Deutsches Seminar)
/*$time = date("F jS Y, h:iA"); //using the date() function
//$remote_addr is PHP variable to get ip address
$referer = $HTTP_REFERER;
//$http_referer is PHP variable to get referer
$browser = $HTTP_USER_AGENT;
//$http_user_agent is PHP variable for browser
$fp = fopen("log.html", "a");
//use the fopen() function
fputs($fp, "Time: $time
IP: $ip
Referer: $referer
Browser: $browser
//using the fputs() function
//closing the function