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Sonnabend, 21. September 2024
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2013 | juni |
A Midsummer Night's DreamTicketsWilliam Shakespeare - English Drama Workshop Just when you thought the summer would never come again, it's here! Come to this year's production of the English Drama Workshop. A Midsummer Night's Dream will take you on a voyage of excitement with fairies, forests and foolish mortals. There will be music, drama, dance, excitement, and a little bit of fairy magic. And you will have that wonderful feeling: that feeling of summer, filled with dreams, whispered lover's vows, and the warmth of a sultry summer's night! Ahhhh! Szenenfotos von Dirk Opitz (klick ...) With our own Dream Orchestra conducted by Wong Tsz (Hong Kong) PhD in Musicology and special guest conductor Alon Sariel (Israel) Jugend Symphony Orchester, Camerata Medica Göttingen. Es spielen: Oliver Huq, Chawwah Grünberg, Birthe Schulz-Kullig/Carola Croll, Benjamin Körnig, Mira Gardyan, Victoria Fitz, Florian Hallaschka, Luke Slager, Tim Beissbarth, Rene Anders, Wiebke Schäfer, Kerstin Kratzsch, Simon Wittenberg, Donald Huq, Antonio Gallucci, Roman Kupisch, Christina Hillebrand, Ronja Giesen, Dajana Zehler, Karin Reilly, Dorothea Heicke, Katharina Wiens, Andrea Bähringer, Lea Fricke Inszenierung: Richard Varela Karten und Reservierung: Telefonisch unter 0551 - 39 70 77 Z-Mensa Mo - Sa | 12.00 - 14.00 Uhr Touristeninfo im Alten Rathaus Gastspiel, d.h. kein Kulturticket, kein Treueticket, keine Gutscheine etc. - Karten: 9,- / 6,- EUR |
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